
la soirée

Last night my friend J and I had dinner with a couple of friends from church. We talked about life in general and also church life. It was interesting to compare notes, considering we had 4 different countries represented- France, the US, the UK, and the Ivory Coast. We had a good French salad followed by English scones that J and I had made. Yum, yum!

Oh yeah, and the exams- I had my final exam of the semester yesterday. I think it went okay. The only part that was really difficult was a story where we had to fill in the verbs, deciding as we went if they should be in the imparfait, passé composé, or plus-que-parfait form. These are all past tenses with slightly different utilization. I can generally use them correctly when I write my own stories, but when I have to guess what somebody else is trying to say it is a lot harder.

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