
What A Day!

Today was a day of firsts. I started by going to a new church. It was very good. After that I was driving home and randomly ended up watching a sport I had never seen before- rugby. Oh yikes. If you have never seen it, imagine a 300 lb guy being pushed down field by 4 other guys and plowing into a big pile of opponents in hopes that they can mash enough of them under foot to cross the goal line. When they fail, the ball is tossed into the air and three different people are tossed into the air by their teammates to swat at it (and each other). It was quite an experience.
As I watched this display of macho destruction, I noticed some kids in the distance jumping their bikes over impressively large piles of dirt. So after returning to my apartment to eat, I rode my bike over there and participated in the jumping frenzy. I was rather hesitant to start, having never jumped anything on my bike that was more than 4 inches high, but I quickly got into it. That doesn't mean that I was any good, it just means that I had a lot of fun being poor. I even managed to not get hurt, though I came close a couple of times. Aside from being amused by my lack of talent, I like to think that the other guys there admired me for even trying it on a mountain bike.

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