
 A major event occured two days ago- I hit the end of the Bible. I have been reading through since February and I reached the end. I was trying to decide where to go back and start reading, and I decided to do Genesis, followed by the rest of it. In other words, I am going through again. However, this time, I am going slower. I went through last time at a rate of 5 chapters/day, which was much too fast to really meditate on verses. This time I am reading for depth and comprehension, which probably means 1 chapter/day or less. It also means that I might need to get some concordances and commentaries. Also my Hebrew Bible, if I really want to be ambitious. 
  This week was like black Tuesday. At least half of the temp workers were laid off because there wasn't as much work to do as we expected. Praise God I made the cuts! Hopefully the work picks up again so we can bring some people back.

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