
Balam Part IV

16) "Knows the Knowledge of the Most High" I wonder about the significance of "Most High" vs. "Almighty"
17) In the distant future a king shall rise. Which King will it be that crushes Moab, anyway? David?
18) Edom. Essau. Essau will finally be subjected to Jacob, in fulfillment of the prophecy, "The older will serve the younger." (Genesis 25:22)
Seir? Other than the enemies of Edom, I have no clue who they are.
"While Israle performs valiently" Something about this phrase just makes me smile.
20) Amelek was the first of the nations- an interesting tidbit. Have they been destroyed yet (2009), or is that yet to occur?
22) "Who can live except God has ordained it?" No one. Not a single one of us. My every breath is ordained by God.
25) Balaam left on God's time, not Balak's. And Balak went home, a defeated man.

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