
Apartment Jungle

Well, I was looking at moving to a place that is cheaper and closer to work, but in the process of negotiations the landlord told me that he isn't going to be reporting rent on his taxes. For all I know, my current landlord might not be reporting rent on his taxes either. But at least he never told me he wasn't. And he accepts checks, so if he is dodging the law he does a poor job of it :-D So I had another wonderful ethics dilemma last night and came to the conclusion that I won't move in with anyone who I know to be dodging the law. Sad... it would have been a better deal. But I never felt peace about that guy anyway, so this is probably a good way to close the door and look for something else.

I have now spent the entire morning looking for apartments and rooms. I'm sick of it. I've been doing this for weeks. God, would you please just give me somewhere to live that is cheap, close to work, and not sketchy or shady in any way?

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