

Some great conversations this week have gotten me thinking and praying about how to invest my time. I am in class 4 days a week and doing 8-12 hours of homework. That much is fixed, but even the way I do my homework is up to me. I like options but it can be hard to know where God is guiding me.

With school: Upon my return from break I learned that I could still jump a class if I really felt that I should. I would be going into the class having to play catch-up because there is no way I can learn three units in one weekend. Because the teaching staff shifted around during break, I have a hard time knowing how my learning would change if I were to switch classes. I like the teachers I have now, so I want to stay... but today we moved slowly and I once again started thinking about the jump.

For studying: My main weakness with French is oral. The top ways to learn oral, according to our teachers, are watching French movies/television and listening to French radio. Of the two, television is a lot better because the visuals help create context. However, it is hard for me to sit down and watch television without feeling like I have wasted my time. It is just the way I was raised, I guess. It doesn't help when I spend an hour and a half and then realize that I only got one or two new phrases, if any, out of the experience. Is it really going to boost my comprehension and pronunciation through the subtle exposure? Or am I wasting my time? I also have a bunch of books I can read. These could boost my vocab but they have no oral aspect. Or I can use Livemocha to boost vocab. Or I can make flashcards... it is hard to know what will work best.

With God time: Right now my God time is primarily Bible reading with note taking, followed by prayer. Should I incorporate more worship? Should I do it at a different time? I have always done it right before bed because I am awake then. But I generally don't have it in my mind when I wake up the next morning, so how much good is it doing me? Am I spending enough time with God? My relationship with God is the most important aspect of my life. Does my schedule reflect that?

With free time: The top 5 options for free time right now are 1. Photography 2. Running 3. Learning to play guitar 4. Writing (including blogging) 5. emailing and/or skyping people.

1. I have always loved photography and it can be very useful to communicate truth, life, and more to other people. Beyond that, it is a talent God has given me and one that I feel I have a desire and responsibility to improve. Furthermore, I'm in Paris. Millions of photographers would be jealous. There is even a remote possibility that I could make some money doing it...

2. Running. Running has no practical purpose except that it makes me come alive. I am more human when I am running on a regular basis. Running is the only physical regiment to which I enjoy submitting myself. I feel I have a responsibility to keeping myself in at least a general state of fitness.

3. This one is new. It's an idea that's nibbling at the back of my mind. There is a man here, a local pastor, who teaches guitar lessons for free. In French. So, provided I can learn by watching his fingers and catching every fourth word, It is an opportunity to learn an instrument I have wanted to play almost since I was born (ask my mom) and also get that ever-critical conversation with an actual French person. LIDL is selling guitars for 50 euros- very cheap for France. I'm thinking about getting one.

4. I enjoy writing but it is very time consuming. I have a number of ideas running around in my head, most of which require at least a little bit of research and planning. "A little bit" being enough to write an undergrad thesis...

5. Human communication. It is wonderful. It is necessary. It is even part of my job. It can also take up all of one's time very quickly. God is more important than people, people are more important than projects, and projects are more important than recreation, unless it is time for recreation. Like Sunday. But right now I am going to two French churches on Sunday, which is anything but recreational. It's work, and uncomfortable work at that.

Life is complicated. God, I look to you for guidance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Christian radio at http://pharefm.com/site/# (they play french and english worship music) easy way to get a new french song going in your head when your working on your computer (aka surfing FB)