
Weary, I run to you...

... for your arms are open wide.

Ah yes, great song. Anyway, I really am worn out at present. We are plugging through some material in class that is outside of the well-defined rules and muddled in the murk of nuance. I detest nuance and I feel kind of lost. But, as my teacher told us, if you don't like dealing with nuance you can go back to B1. And I'm not going back there! So onward I go...

I also had a long weekend that went fast. I spent 10 hours at church and 6 hours on my bike riding to and from church. I didn't feel at all rested coming into a week loaded with exams and presentations. Then, last night I had a dream where I was attempting to escape from a gang and the leader was pulling a gun on me just as I was jumping down from a car roof. I tried to go into a combat role in mid-air, a maneuver that doesn't work well when one is actually lying flat on one's back in bed. So I jerked myself awake at about 4 A.M. and had enough of an adrenaline rush to not be able to fall back asleep. So now I am tired.

All this to say, say a prayer for me please? :-)

1 comment:

C.A.S. said...

Affirmative, Commando John
:D It's so nice that prayers have no distance restrictions, isn't it?