
The Apple of Your Eye

So it turns out that the very latest in fashionable fabric design is... the Apple logo. That's right, bitten-into apples are no longer just a symbol of Mac enthusiasm. They are high fashion in our corner of the world. We found a set of massive, ceiling-to-floor curtains in white and a rich shade of maroon, complete with frilly ruffles at intervals along their length. They were striped, and on the white stripes they had alternating maroon and silver Mac logos. 

Keep your eyes peeled. They could be arriving soon in a Wal-Mart near you. But I wouldn't count on it.

I also saw a glittery, plastic-jewel-encrusted handbag with the word "Perfect" and a giant apple in white and gold plastic jewels. I thought it was the Mac logo again but my wife pointed out that it couldn't be because there wasn't a bite missing. If it were a bit larger I'd be tempted to buy it for my computer anyway. I'm sure it would finally convince my brother-in-law that Macs are superior to PCs.

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