
Momentary Light Affliction

Since Monday I have not had lights in my apartment.

Okay, to be completely honest I do have one light that still works, over my bathroom sink. The rest of the apartment, however, starts getting murky at about 7:30 and by 8:00 it's legitimately dark. Fortunately we have some bright lights just outside my apartment, so by pulling back all of my curtains I can get enough light into the place to avoid bruising my shins on the furniture. 

Sound like a pain? I guess it is, especially when I am trying to cook, but I really don't mind. I really don't mind because I am planning to move tomorrow. I can handle packing in the dark because I know that the situation is temporary. I am moving to somewhere where it will be light at night.

This is the power of hope. It doesn't just apply to little things like changing apartments; it also applies to life as a whole. When we have faith that our life here on earth is temporary, our struggles and confusion and discomfort become more bearable and our joys take on a deeper meaning. The best is is still coming! (Ephesians chapter 1)

My kitchen during supper prep. last night


Anonymous said...

Simple and powerful. THANK YOU.

laura said...

this is great. I need to remember that more often. Somehow life metaphors show up more clearly there.