Something else de très spéciale happened yesterday evening as well. More on that later...
And today I went to watch an international track meet, hoping to spot some potential Olympic competitors. As I was riding over to the stadium my friend, who was already there, texted me to say that the meet wasn't happening after all. I continued to the stadium anyway, figuring it was a good excuse for a long bike ride. When I got there I was pleased to discover that, contrary to my friend's claims, there was a lively competition going on. Here are some pictures of the winners:
100 Centimeter hurdles:
Long jump
Pole vault (though the judges argued about whether or not he ever actually vaulted)
Standing Long Jump (this is the "standing" part)
As you can tell, all of the winners were the same nationality. The judging must have been rigged.
Then, as I was leaving the stadium, look what greeted me in the parking lot:
You never know what kind of excitement can be found on a Saturday afternoon at the stadium!
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I took a video of one of the go-karts doing warm-up laps. You can see it here.
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