
You may wonder where I have been...

So I'll tell you. At least this week. As for all the other weeks in which I haven't been checking my blog, I'll leave it to your imagination. Here is this past week:

 Monday night: hosting two friends who just flew in from Germany

 Tuesday night: floor hockey, followed by a public transportation debacle that took more than an hour.

Wednesday night: Two African friends dropped in shortly after work and stayed until 10.

 Thursday night: I had a lovely evening with two of my coworkers

 Friday night: I started a newsletter (believe it or not!), went shopping, and finally had a little time to catch up on e-stuff

 Saturday morning: moment of panic when I realized the next day was Mother's Day, followed by two hours of making a card for my dear Mother. I love you Mom!
The rest of Saturday: hanging out with my African "family."

Today: 1. Making bread for the day 2. writing an apologetic blog post 3. making a graduation card 4. church 5. meeting/rehearsal for the theatre group at church 6. graduation party 7. volleyball

Tomorrow night: working on newsletter, long overdue chat with my parents on Skype

So there you go! That's where I've been.

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