
I have a garden

Even though I live near a desert, it is not impossible to have a garden as long as you can get your hands on a crate. I purchased such a crate, pre-loaded with nice dirt (which is almost impossible to find here) and thriving produce. Now I just need to keep everything alive! We shall see whether I take after my father or my mother in this realm.

Here are my new charges:

Martio (I have decided to give all my friends fun code names) claims this is fennel. I think it's dill. We shall see. Either way, it'll be nice to have.

Basil! Hopefully this time I won't kill it off. Basil is one of the major workhorses in my cooking repertoire.

Mint. I'm very excited about this one.

Spring onion. I need to do som research to figure out how to use this. Anybody have some suggestions?

Tomato. Juicy red goodness! I think I'm going to find another pot to put it in so it doesn't end up overwhelming its neighbors.

So... the only things I have any experience raising are tomatoes, onions, and basil- and my experience with basil included the funeral and burial. So if you have any suggestions, please add a helpful comment!

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