
More thanksgiving!

Yesterday I managed to drag myself out of bed for the first service at church. Even though work starts at the exact same time every morning of the week, getting to church at 8 A.M. seems to be a nearly insurmountable task and I almost always end up at the 10:30 service.

This week I made it to early service and it turned out wonderfully because I ran into the Ns, who invited me over for lunch (along with 7 other people). We played games (Ticket to Ride, Carcassone, and Imagineif) and ate LOTS of wonderful food.

The Ns already have their house decorated for Christmas. The tree is up, the decorations are up, and we had Christmas music playing in the background all afternoon. I could almost imagine that there was snow outside as long as I ignored the fact that the front door was hanging wide open. It was probably the most Christmas-y afternoon I will spend this year and I was deeply grateful, even if it did come just three days after Thanksgiving!

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