
Counting my many blessings

God really does take care of me. I have had a rough month and God knew I needed some encouragement, so today I had some pretty neat things happen.

First, I found corn meal in the store. I have been looking for it ever since I got here and I can almost guarantee that it was never there. Today it was, so I finally got to make cornbread. Hurray for my favorite comfort food! I was also able to buy fruit and vegetables that were badly needed, as well as peanuts (more comfort food!) and some cereal that wasn't horrendously expensive.

To further help the budget, someone repaid me $40 today. I had completely forgotten that they owed me anything. 

Then I decided to go for a run and ended up playing soccer! I was running down a side street and some guys invited me to join them, so I played with them for at least half an hour. Even though I'm horrible, they want me back tomorrow. I'll have to take advantage of it before the novelty wears off and they get tired of running circles around me. I was just so happy to be able to play. It's almost as good as hockey. I haven't had a lot of opportunities to do competitive sports here and I have really been missing it.

When I got back to my apartment, I had a hot shower! I haven't had enough water pressure for a hot shower for nearly two weeks and I have had to learn how to "shower" from a 5 liter bottle. That shower, followed by cornmeal and fresh green beens, was amazing.

And finally, I was going through old files and I found the lyrics for a song that we sang all the time back at college. I searched high and low about a year ago to find chords for it but since it was written by a girl at school I couldn't find them. Tonight I sat down and figured them out for myself. Being able to play and sing that song was a real blessing to me. It was a song that encouraged me to accept the adventure I am experiencing now. I sing it today with just as much awe for what God has brought me through and is bringing me through, and with just as much enthusiasm and hope for what God is going to do, as I had back then.

I'm so unworthy, but still you love me.
I'm captivated by your great mercy.                               
And I'm overwhelmed by what you've done in my life.
Now to know you more is my heart's one desire.

So draw me into your presence; lead me into your courts.
Saturate me, breath upon me your breath of life.

Call me, Lord I will answer. Send me, Lord I will go.
Now forever, I surrender. My heart is yours.

-I can't remember the name of the girl who wrote this, sorry.

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