
Great Court Cases of the Bible

Episode #158 "Come let us Reason" (Isaiah 1:18-20 NASB)

The judge, YHWH, finds the defendant, Israel (specifically Judah), guilty of murder, treason, and numerous other crimes. He then makes the following offer:
IF the defendant will consent and obey, all crimes will be forgiven and the defendent will also be given considerable financial rewards.
IF, however, the defendant refuses the terms and rebels against the court, the death penalty will be executed in accordance with the due punishment for the crimes.

Our audience would like to know exactly what "consent and obey" might mean. Normally when a defendant agrees to conditions like that, he ends up risking his life as an assassin or spy against his former colleagues, an expendable pawn whose existence can be denied if necessary. He was a dead man anyway...

For Israel, the deal is very different. Since His primary crime is treason, He must obviously swear allegiance once more to the true King. After that he will be appointed personal administrator to the King and ambassador to foreign entities. Instead of anonymous servitude, he will be given the position of highest honor. In fact, he will be adopted as prince.

Does Israel accept this deal? Read Isaiah and prepare to beat your head against the wall...

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