
More thoughts on heeding yourself

Deuteronomy 11:16 -- this has 4 components that I would like to comment on separately.

A. "Beware that your hearts are not deceived and that you...
B. "...do not turn away
C. "...and serve other Gods
D. "... and worship them"

A. The introduction of deception is interesting. Once a person is deceived they can fall victim to anyone or anything. I must give heed to myself every day to avoid deception.

B. Idol worship begins when we turn from God. Another way to say it: We can not worship idols without first ceasing to worship and serve God. Another way to say it: If we are worshiping an idol we can not also be right with God. This is very sobering. Is there anything in my life, other than God, that I am worshiping?

C. We don't usually think of people "serving" other gods. Too often we dismiss it as either ignorant or stubborn, but certainly futile. However, if there is nothing to idol worship, how can you "serve other gods?" How do you serve something that doesn't exist?
Also, it seems here that actions of service are a key way of determining who or what a person truly reveres as God.

D. The progression:
1. heart deceived while poorly guarded
2. hearts turns from God, now totally vulnerable
3. actions and behaviors and allegiances follow

What is the difference between "serve" and "worship?" I think "serve" might be the sacrifice of time/energy/resources, while "worship" is the offering/bestowing of honor.

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