
Gecko Faithfulness

A little while back, one of the hundreds of local geckos died. I'm not sure what happened to her. She didn't get run over as far as I could tell. Maybe she got sick. You can see her laying on the ground in the lower-right-hand corner of the photo, quite dead and starting to dry out in blazing sun. What amazed me is that this other gecko stayed by her, day and night, for two days after her death until someone took the body away. Who knew that geckos had that kind of loyalty to one another? Surely he realized that she was dead, that she wouldn't ever move again. But still he stayed by her side.

If a simple little animal, who doesn't seem to have much intelligence or awareness, can show that much dedication, how much more is asked of me? May I show myself faithful and selfless for those who are dear to me.

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