
The Market

There is a market about three blocks from my house. I go through it fairly frequently in order to get to various places, but I have never actually gone there to buy things. Most of the stuff in the market is clothing that comes over from the United States. They unload big bags of used clothing from the ships, drag them to the market, and then unload them on the tables. Today my roommate and I decided to go see what was available. Boy, did I find some treasures! I didn't buy any of them, but I did run back home for my camera so you can enjoy them with me :-)

Let's start with a little local pride! The guy had no idea why I liked this hat.

Go Twins!

 I'm almost surprised that this hadn't sold already. American stuff is usually pretty popular.

And a little more back-home flavor: "Nothing runs like a Deere." Except maybe everlasting bush taxis like the one behind me.

I was seriously tempted to buy this:

And I was not tempted to buy this, but it was fantastic! It's true, I need a haircut. That will be happening Wednesday.

Then we spent a long time digging through shirts. Here were some of the more spectacular ones.
Some expressions of excellence are more life-threatening than others...


I was tempted to buy this for a number of people I know.

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