Friday night I talked to a friend for 4 hours. That was kind of rough because we started talking at midnight, but it was super good. He does a lot of thinking, kind of like me, so we get into deep theological talks. I appreciate that he doesn't lose his awe of God as he does it, nor his respect for the importance of sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. He also does a great job of starting with what the Bible says rather than creating a position based on experience and then finding verses that agree with him. So that was part of our talk. The other part was life in general. Single life, missionary life, life learning French... It was good, and we're going to try to make it a weekly event. But not starting at midnight!
I took two pictures of Notre Dame from the Seine and then stitched them together.

Here is another 3D image for those of you who can see it! This one isn't quite as good. It's the ticket booth/main entrance to the Louvre Museum (home of the Mona Lisa and lots of more impressive things as well)
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