
Quick update

Howdy! Tonight we had an "international dinner" which leaned heavily on the nation of the USA since more than half the school is American. We had three different types of chili and I provided the cornbread. Woohoo!!! I love cornbread. There was some FANTASTIC soup from I-don't-remember-which-country and some very good Korean chicken, as well as some fun African foods. Also outstanding was my friend's malt-loaf, a British malt shake in bread from. Very rich, very yummy, and surprisingly healthy.
After the meal tonight we played Settlers of Catan, expansion version. That was fun. I was winning for a while but I didn't get the cards I needed at the end. I did have the longest road, though. 13 pieces in a 6 player game is not half bad.
The Unit 4 test was today and I think I did okay. I feel like I actually learned quite a bit this week. I hope to learn more tomorrow and maybe even get ahead a little, but I also have a bit of bookkeeping to do, and it's about time for another official newsletter... So we'll see what gets done.
Tomorrow night I am going to be having dinner with three couples who are going to the same country as me after this. That should be a lot of fun. I don't know any of them well yet because they live on the other half of the building, which for some reason makes a difference even though we are connected by hallways. I enjoy getting to know people I may run into later.
I now have a sizable collection of French books, all being tossed out of the school library because apparently nobody ever checked them out. In addition to "Le petit maison dans la prairie," (Little House on the Prairie) I also have the next book in the series, "au bord du ruisseau." I also have a humorous book about a cowboy and giant mosquitoes (I gathered this from the picture on the front, not the description on the back), a mystery story involving a rocket, A swashbuckling tale of the Bounty and her captain Bligh, and the Grimm (and grim) version of "Cendrillon." I also have "Maigret tend un piege," which as far as I can tell involves the French equivalent of Sherlock Holmes.
As for my Carte De Long Sojour (extended residency) application, I have not yet heard back from the office. Please keep praying that the residency permit will be granted easily and inexpensively.

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