
Well, that did the trick...

Last night the party was going strong until 11:38 when God sent a timely power cut. Things wrapped up pretty quickly after that! Then the power came back on half an hour later so I got to sleep with the fan... God is definitely looking out for me.

Today I took a car rapide (public transportation) to visit two of my friends but I got off too early and ended up wandering around for an hour and a half looking for their house. Half of the streets here run at 90 degree angles and half run in random curves and I can never keep track which ones do which and where. Also, I forgot my all-important compass at home. I probably could have cut my wandering by a good 50 minutes if I had been carrying my compass. Though the sun was in full view (and blazing hot) my shadow didn't do me much good for finding my directions at 1:00 in the afternoon. By the time I had circled the same (wrong) neighborhood three times, I am pretty sure the vendors along the street were taking bets on how many more times I would go around before I hailed a taxi.

Thank you, R, for coming and finally rescuing me. I don't think I ever would have found the place otherwise. I did get pretty close, though! After that adventure I had a very enjoyable afternoon eating, playing games (did you know that there is a card game version of Monopoly?), and chatting in French with my friends and two other young ladies from their church. And then I came home, ate leftovers, played some guitar, and did more chatting in French with my apartment mate P. And now I had better high-tail it to bed so I can get up for church tomorrow.

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