
Mes devoirs

Today we had to write a short text in which we evoke a moment of pleasure in an artistic manner. I started this assignment at 11:40 at night, so I wasn't about to do anything profound. Instead, I wrote about the supper that took me so long that I started homework at 11:30 at night. Please note, I haven't even double checked this, so I am sure it is fraught with errors.

Sur le désert de mon tortilla, aride et stérile, mon couteau étale une grosse couche de feuillage qui sent d'avocat et de coriandre avec une pointe de tomate. Le ciel s'ouvrit et laisse tomber une déluge des météorites fumant. Elles rebondissent doucement et restent sur les broussailles, tout en émettant une arôme fortement épicé. Elles sont suivi tout suit par une neige du fromage et, enfin, une dense nuage de salade.
Soudain, il y a un grand tremblement de la terre et le sol s'enroule. Tout le paysage est emballé et emmené vers la ciel.
Quand le tortilla entre ma bouche il y a une fête, une festival des goûtes. Les épices font le fandango avec la guacamole et le fromage, et la salade joue du mariachi. Avec un salut, il font signe avec un sombrero bien fariné et ils sortent dans les coulisses. Oh, soupir de satisfaction! Le Mexique est venu chez moi.

In my tortilla desert, dry and dead, my knife spreads a thick layer of foliage that carries the sents of avocado and coriander with a hint of tomato. The sky opens and releases a deluge of steaming meteorites. They bounce gently and come to rest in the brush, emitting a sharp and spicy aroma. Then comes a snowstorm of cheese, and finally a thick cloud of lettuce.
Suddenly there is a great earthquake and the ground rolls up on itself. The landscape is enveloped and carried away into the heavens...
When the tortilla enters my mouth there is a party, a festival, a performance series of tastes. The spices do the fandango with the guacamole and the cheese, and the salad plays the mariachi. With a bow and a wave with a heavily-flowered sombrero, they exit backstage. Oh, sigh of satisfaction! Mexico has visited me.

It's true, folks. I made homemade flour tortillas, used some store-bought guacamole, grated up some gouda cheese, and used my precious packet of AMERICAN taco seasoning that somebody left on the freebie table last year, and I had a delicious meal. I finished it off with a pear cobbler that I made from pears that have fallen off our tree in the back yard. Yummies!!!

1 comment:

C.A.S. said...

Ok... not fair.... my mouth watered all the way through this! How do you come up with such wonderful ideas for eating and words for expressing??!?! Truly - it is a gift! :D